
22nd Macao City Fringe Festival:Crème de la Fringe: SilverARTS Festival

#danceless Public Participatory Project - Body in Time & Body on Stage Tour - Macau


The "Body in Time" programme, specifically designed for seniors, has a multifaceted approach to empowering them to express themselves and share their life experiences through dance. Not only does the programme involve dance workshops, which provide a platform for seniors to tap into their creative potential and exchange stories with dance artists, but it also aims to foster a sense of community and mutual understanding among participants. Moreover, the company will organise public exhibitions and workshops, offering seniors the opportunity to share their stories with the wider community, thereby breaking down stereotypes and showcasing their creativity and potential.

The Unlock Dancing Plaza is delighted to have received the kind invitation to the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. and the Macao Fringe Festival, which has enabled us to bring 20 seniors to the SilverARTS Festival for the first time, and we are thrilled to offer them a truly unforgettable cultural experience. As part of this initiative, we will be hosting a "Body on Stage" workshop, which will feature two performances of our "Body in Time" series, "One, Two...Two and a Half!", as well as a documentary film screening of our #danceless project. This unique opportunity will allow local participants to gain insight into the concept of #danceless and engage with the programme. Notably, our oldest participant is over 80 years old, demonstrating the programme's accessibility and inclusivity. We are eager to share this innovative public engagement programme with more communities and are planning to tour it to further destinations in the future.


Programme Links

#danceless – Body on Stage Workshop – MeWeMe
Time | 2 pm to 5 pm
Language | Cantonese
Venue | Jan 7th, 14th Black Box Multi-purpose Room at Macao Cultural Centre; Jan 17th, Hundred Steps Promenade at Lou Lim Ioc Garden
Admission | MOP100 (for individuals aged 16 and above)

One, Two...and a Half                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Date | Jan 20th
Time | Performance: 2:30 pm, 4 pm; Screening: 3:10 pm, 4:40 pm
Duration | Approx. 35 minutes for performance; approx. 30 minutes for screening
Venue | Hundred Steps Promenade at Lou Lim Ioc Garden
Admission | Free admission

Organizer: Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. and the Macao Fringe Festival

Produced by: Stella & Artists

Support: Arts and Culture (National Endowment for Culture and the Arts)
